The Florida Startup Ecosystem

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
The Florida Startup Ecosystem

Key Insights Seedfunders seeks to be the first professional money that’s investing in these startups in Florida. We’re looking at pre-revenue, scalable technology with a clean cap table. Success starts with the entrepreneur or founder. You have to have the entrepreneurs, people who want to start companies that take that risk, and get the company […]

Angel Investing – what is it and how to become a Florida Angel Investor

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Angel Investing - what is it and how to become a Florida Angel Investor

Key Insights There have been 1000 people per day moving to Florida. That counts births and deaths but basically most of those are new residents coming to Florida. They’re coming, largely from up north, New York, Boston, Philadelphia. They’re retired, semi-retired and maybe they sold their company. They want to stay active. They have some […]

A Deep Dive Into Angel Groups

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
A Deep Dive Into Angel Groups

Key Insights What is an Angel investment group? There are two ways to be an Angel investor. One is, to be an individual and invest in deals on yourself; you are an investor with a company, you’re on the Cap Table, you are basically an individual. The other way is, join a group such as […]

Do angel groups provide better investment returns?

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Do angel groups provide better investment returns?

Key Insights Returns are better with angel groups because: Smaller investment amounts means getting into more deals, better due dilligence, more expertise and the opportunity for follow on investment The Kauffman Foundation published: Returns To Angel Investors In Groups which found a 2.6x return in 3 years – or 27% IRR An update to the […]

Startup Investing as an Asset Class

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Startup Investing as an Asset Class

Key Insights The three most widely recognized asset classes are: cash, fixed assets and stocks Alternative assets include: hedge funds, insurance products, collectibles, foreign currency, crypto currency, structured products such as credit default swaps or collateralized debt obligations and private equity Private equity is uncorrelated to more traditional assets to the point it can act […]

Crowdfunding Demystified

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Crowdfunding Demystified

Key Insights Crowdfunding is raising capital through a collective effort of a number of people. There are three types of crowdfunding : donation-based crowdfunding, reward-based crowdfunding and equity crowdfunding. The first type is donation-based crowdfunding. The most famous site, of course is GoFundMe. It’s 100% donations. The second type is reward based crowdfunding: Kickstarter or […]

Investment Rounds: From Bootstrapping to Big Exits

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Investment Rounds: From Bootstrapping to Big Exits

Key Insights There are various rounds of funding that take place when an entrepreneur has an idea or has a company that they want to get funded. The first is bootstrapping, where the founders use their own money. In that time the company may also receive investment from friends and family. What comes next really […]

Term Sheet Basics

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Term Sheet Basics

Key Insights A term sheet is a non-binding agreement. It might also be called a Letter of Intent (L.O.I.) or a Memo of Understanding (M.O.U.). A term sheet may be authored before, during or after due dilligence. Terms sheets typically include 3 parts: Financial terms, control elements and confidentiality. Valuation is one of the biggest […]

Startups Role in a Diversified Portfolio

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
Startups Role in a Diversified Portfolio

Show resources Florida Funders Fabrice Grinda Right Side Capital Management The Kauffman Foundation Welcome, Sir. Hey Joe. How are you doing? I am living the dream. Diversification, you’ve talked about it here a lot when it comes to investing. I want to dig a little deeper into how we diversify our investments and why it’s […]

The Seedfunders Investment Thesis

The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Podcast
The Seedfunders Investment Thesis

Dave, when we started this thing, I wanted to pre-emptively get the fan site up. I wanted to get the Dave Chitester action figures made. I was ready to go. And now that we’ve made it all the way to episode 10, we’re in double digits. Do you regret telling me not to do that? […]